Humanity shares a common purpose: we are here to create
“positive meaning,” what we call wellbeing.
Wellbeing is not happiness.
Happiness is a beautiful but fleeting emotional state.
Wellbeing is the total quality of our life.
If someone asks, “What does a good and fulfilling life look like?” The answer is: a life of wellbeing.
In Arethion, wellbeing has ten elements

Security – You are personally safe from harm
Health – You are free from prolonged pain and suffering
Environment – You can rely on the air, water, and land to sustain you, society, and other living beings
Housing – You have a place to live, perhaps one worthy of being called a “home”
Community – You have a group of people who are known, trusted, and caring
Love – You value yourself and feel valued within your community
Order – Your community has rules that make interactions safe, fair, and reliable
Education – You have the freedom to learn and gain skills
Industry – You have the opportunity to work and contribute to your community
Wealth – You can afford to purchase the goods and services necessary to live a good life

Total wellbeing is an impossible goal, one we can never achieve.
There is no such thing as “perfect security” or “perfect health,”
much less “perfect wellbeing.”
But a life with greater overall wellbeing is one
every person would describe as better,
as a “life worth living.”