A Modern Spiritual Community

Arethion is the spiritual home
for the non-religious,
formerly religious, and questioning.
What if you could keep the positive elements of spirituality
love, wisdom, community, and charity
but get rid of the negative
hypocrisy, shame, intolerance, and falsehoods?
Arethion is not a self-help group or a religion,
not a corporation or a community service organization.
We’re something totally new.
Arethion is the future of spirituality.

I love the focus on love, helping one another, a moral compass, and general spirituality without the constraints of religion.
Eboni(Former Christian)
This is exactly what I have been looking for since starting my family!
Chelsea(Former Christian)
Great mission and guiding philosophy.
I love the community outreach.
Jackson(Spiritual but not religious)
It’s better than anything else out there!